Dr. Swid is the MBA Program Director at the Bill Munday School of Business. Dr. Swid's teaching philosophy is focusing on students' engagement using experiential learning activities and technology. Prior to his appointment at Bill Munday School of Business, he was an Assistant Professor of Management and Director of Experiential Education at the New York Institute of Technology. He also held several administrative roles in New York and other global campuses. As a certified experiential educator, he led and organized successfully several curricular/extracurricular activities such as study abroad, international workshops, and the "Corporate Challenge". Besides the USA, Dr. Swid has taught and provided global consultation services in the UK, U.A.E, and Bahrain. He has won several awards such as the presidential engagement award, and the Dean’s distinguished service award. Prior to his academic career, he had over 11 years of successful industry work experience at the giant multinational pharmaceutical company, Eli Lilly in several overseas management and marketing assignments.


Languages Spoken

<p>English, Arabic, and French.</p>

Achievement & Involvement

Honors and Awards

Presidential Engagement Award “Student Engagement in global Education” NYIT, 2016

Dean’s Distinguished Service Award, 2017

Best Paper Award: Swid, A. and Bienstock, J. (2017) “International Students adjustment to U.S. Universities: A personality Approach”. (ICSHMB); March 21-22, 2017; Casablanca, Morocco.)

Best Paper in Track Award: Bienstock, J. and Swid, A. (2017) “International Student adjustment to U.S. Universities: Utilizing a Campus Mediation Approach”. (ASBBS) Annual Conference March 23-26, Las Vegas

Crystal Apple award for leading a winning corporate challenge team: 2013, 2014



My research is mainly applied in nature; specifically, I do focus on applied behavior analysis in work and managing technology's adaptation behavior in various cultures with the aim of creating sustainable competitive advantages. My intellectual contributions in this research area have resulted in publications in competitive journals for leading publishers (e.g. Wiley, Inderscience, Emerald, and Common Ground). Dr. Swid has won several best paper awards such as Review of Business Research (2017), the ASBBS Annual Conference, Las Vegas (2017). Moreover, his research proposals attracted US$50 K in external grants and were awarded several internal grants.

External Grants

Previously Awarded Grants

<p>Mallah Foundation (2017-16) “International Students adjustment to US Universities: A personality and cultural approach”. Swid, A. (PI), and Bienstock, J. (Co-PI). Awarded $50,000.</p>

<p>National Institute of Health (NIH), R21 Grant PA-16-161 (2017): “Personality and Health Care Quality” Swid, A. (PI), Harper, B (CoPI), $212,300. Not Awarded</p>

Publications & Articles


Selected Publications

Swid, A. (2019). "Creativity and Leadership: Qualities for technology-driven industries.” American Journal of Management, Vol 19, No. 5, pp. 41-46

Swid, A. & Ragab, D. (2018). "Narcissistic Leaders: A Review of Astonishing Success and Remarkable Failure." Journal of leadership, Accountability, and Ethics, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 31- 39

Swid, A., Hsu, H., and Wang S.K. (2018) "Mobile Learning Application to Facilitate Ubiquitous Collaborative Learning: An Organizational Behavior Course." Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, Vol. 18, No.4, pp. 25-29

Ragab, D., Bienstock, J, Swid, A. (2017) “International Student adjustment to U.S. Universities: A Cultural approach”. Review of Business Research Vol. 17, No. 1, pp.23-30. 

Swid, A. (2015), “How Creative can leaders afford to be without losing credibility?” Journal of Leadership Studies. Vol.9, No.3, pp.63-64, DOI:10.1002/jls.21409

Swid, A. (2014), “Police members Perception of their Leaders’ Leadership Style and its Implications”. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management. Vol. 37, No.3, pp.579-595

ElMelegy, A. & Swid A. (2013), “Managing User Acceptance and Use of Technology in Higher Education: An Empirical Study.” Management Education: An International Journal. Vol. 12, No.1, pp.11-23

Swid, A. & ElMelegy A. (2012), “Management of E-Services Adoption in the Telecommunication Sector in Bahrain.” Journal of Global Business and Technology, Vol. 8, No. 2

Swid, A. (2012). “The moderating role of Socialization effort on newcomers’ adjustment.” International Journal of Economics and Business Research (IJEBR) ISSN (Online): 1756-9869 – ISSN (Print): 1756-9850, Vol. 4, No.3




Swid, A., Bienstock, J. and Cohn, D. (2018) "Satisfied Employees and Company Brand Image: A Social Media Approach.” Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior Conference (CSDCB), June 19 -22, New York, USA.​

Bienstock, J., Swid, A., and Cohn, D. (2018)"Resolving Campus Conflict through Mediation: The Road Map to Student Satisfaction." Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior Conference (CSDCB), June 19 -22, New York, USA.​

Yildiz, M. & Swid, A. (2018). Storytelling with Data: Visualization in Education- Semiotics Perspective. In E. Langran & J. Borup (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 3739-3744). Washington, D.C., United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved July 23, 2018

Swid, A., Bienstock, J. and Ragab, D. (2018) "U.S. Campus Orientation Programs for International Students: University and Students' Preferences" ISRED International conference. January 11-12, 2018, Cairo, Egypt

Swid, A., Hsu, H and Shiang, K., (2018). “A Course Mobile App: Design and Implementation of a Prototype". The fourth International Conference on Frontiers of Educational Technologies (ICFET 2018). June 25-27, ​​Moscow, Russia

Swid, A. and Bienstock, J. (2017) “International Students adjustment to U.S. Universities: A personality Approach”. International Conference on Innovational Challenges in Social Sciences, Humanities, Management and Business Studies (ICSHMB); March 21-22, 2017; Casablanca, Morocco. (Best Paper Award)

Bienstock, J. and Swid, A. (2017) “International Student adjustment to U.S. Universities: Utilizing a Campus Mediation Approach”. American Society Of Business And Behavioral Sciences (ASBBS) Annual Conference 2017; March 23-26, 2017; Las Vegas (Best Paper  in Track Award)

Swid, A. (2016) “Employee motivation and commitment in the public sector”. International Academy of Business and Economics Conference; March 23-26; Orlando, USA. ISSN 1934-7498

ElMelegy, A. & Swid, A. (2015). "Organizational learning and employees' motivation: An empirical study on Middle East employees;" InstSIS International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference; Jan 4-6; Miami Beach, FL. ISBN-10:0615846882

Swid, A.(2013) “The impact of employee satisfaction on organizational commitment” the 6th Annual IMAB conference in GW University, Washington DC, USA 6-8 November 2013 

Swid, A. (2012) “User acceptance and use of technology in higher education: An empirical study”. The Twelfth International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, and Change Management. University Center, Chicago, USA 6-8 July 2012.

Swid, A. (2012)"E-Services adoption in the telecommunication sector in Bahrain”14th annual international conference (GABATA, 2012) July 10-14, 2012. New York City, New York U.S.A.

Swid, A.(2011)“Effects of newcomers traits on gaining political knowledge of the organizations” 6th Annual London Business Research Conference, July 11, 2011;  Imperial College, London, UK. 

Swid, A. (2010) “Personality traits: Influence on proactivity towards newcomers' adjustment”. International Academy of Management and Business, IAMB, January 25, 2010; Las Vegas, NV.

Swid, A. (2010) “The interaction between traits and socialization efforts in newcomer adjustment”. International Academy of Management and Business, IAMB, January 25, 2010; Las Vegas, NV.

Swid, A. (2010) “Newcomers’ personality traits: Influence on adjustment”. Business & Economics Society International (B&ESI) 2010 winter conference; January 5-9, 2010; Nassau, Bahamas

Swid, A. (2010) “The moderating role of socialization effort on newcomers’ adjustment”. Business & Economics Society International (B&ESI) 2010 winter conference; January 5-9, 2010; Nassau, Bahamas

For Students

Class Preparation

Courses I teach at St. Edward's:

Consulting Capstone (MGMT6350) - MBA

Managing Dynamic Organization (MGMT 6334) - MBA

Global Consulting (GBUS6350) - MBA

Strategic Leadership Development (MGMT6348) - MBA

International Management (MGMT 3338) - UG

International Business Administration (IBUS 4380) - UG

Outside the Classroom

Activities outside the classroom can give you new skills and perspectives. They also reveal things about you that grades and test scores can’t.

Department Group

School Group

The Bill Munday School of Business