There’s too much going on at St. Ed's — classes, organizations, activities, good food, thoughtful conversations, fuzzy goats — for you to see, do and learn everything (though you certainly can try). So, how do you keep from getting overwhelmed and still have a full experience? Whether you’re starting your first semester or your final year at St. Edward’s, our faculty and staff members have some suggestions for you.

Professors are people, too. (We promise.)

“Go to your professors’ office hours at least once before the first exam. We want you to succeed, we care about our students, and we’re happy when you attend our office hours. It demonstrates that you have an interest in your academic career, and it makes visiting the office less daunting if you need to later in the semester.”
— Brian Smith
Professor of Political Science

Skipping class is a bad idea on so many levels.

“Go to class. This seems like a no-brainer, but trust me, it makes all the difference. I skipped classes because I thought I could stay in my dorm room and just read the text. That was a huge mistake. Not only did my grades suffer in college, but I also missed the chance to hear what my professors and peers had to say about the course material. When I returned to class, I made more friends, got involved with campus activities, learned about employers visiting campus, etc. In short, going to class was a gateway to a rich intellectual and social life.”
— Jack Musselman
Professor of Philosophy

Start your FAFSA early. You’ll thank yourself later.

“Be sure to complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) early. It’s available to complete on October 1. The application process is now easier than ever since you’ll be using your prior tax return and the IRS data retrieval tool. Our priority deadline for currently enrolled students is March 1. If you have any questions, please contact the Student Financial Services Office and speak directly with an advisor. We are here to help!”
— Jennifer M. Beck
Director of Student Financial Aid

Student stiing outdoors refllecting on day
Student walking with her hand toughing tall grass

It may be a cliché, but the world is your classroom.

“Consider studying abroad! This broadens your perspective, challenges you to adapt to new situations and empowers you to take future challenges with confidence. There are so many opportunities at St. Edward’s, and the Global Engagement Office can tell you about them.”
— Trish Baynham
Associate Professor of Biological Sciences

You won’t face anything alone.

“I often share with new students, and it’s always a great reminder for returning students, that learning how to overcome adversity and learning how to learn are the two most important tips to be successful. Know your resources, ask for help and get involved on campus, and you’ll create a foundation to help you when you inevitably need to overcome adversity.”
— Lisa Kirkpatrick
Vice President of Student Affairs

By Lauren Liebowitz