
Ornate door

Color is a key component of our identity. Our color palette represents our heritage, distinguishes our brand and creates consistent experiences for our audiences.

Consistent use of color is essential to a unified brand image. Review these guidelines carefully to understand usage differences between palettes, audiences and mediums (such as print and digital). As always, reach out to us directly for questions or assistance. 


Primary Palette

St. Ed's is blue and gold. These are our primary colors and should be used prominently in communications to ensure brand consistency. Our blue and gold are available in a brighter, modern palette and a darker, traditional palette. Each palette should be used in accordance with the tone of a piece and type of communication required.


Within the Primary Palette, use the Modern Palette for people- and event-focused applications, those pieces that exemplify vibrancy and school spirit.

st eds blue

St. Ed's Blue
PMS: 2945 C
CMYK: 100-64-0-24
RGB: 0-77-142
HEX: #004d8e

st eds gold

St. Ed's Gold
PMS: Pantone Yellow C
CMYK: 0-15-100-0
RGB: 254-224-75
HEX: #fee04b


Within the Primary Palette, use the Traditional Palette for traditional, professional applications, such as official communications and documents, formal events and traditional applications using the university seal.

sorin color

PMS: 281 C
CMYK: 100-64-0-60
RGB: 0-37-102
HEX: #002566

gold medallion color

Gold Medallion
PMS: 7753 C
CMYK: 27-38-93-5
RGB: 184-147-56
HEX: #b89338

Secondary Palette

The Secondary Palette contains Brights and Neutrals, each containing colors designed for specific purposes. 


The Bright Palette adds variety and vibrancy when used with the primary palette. These colors work alongside the primary colors and should be used in combination with the primary palette whenever possible. 


PMS: 630 C
CMYK: 56-4-15-0
RGB: 106-213-234
HEX:​ #6ad5ea

continental color

PMS: 473 C
CMYK: 0-27-35-0
RGB: 252-195-162
HEX:​ #fcc3a2

peacock color

PMS: 346 C
CMYK: 63-0-59-0
RGB: 92-191-142
HEX:​ #5cbf8e

red doors

Red Doors
PMS: 179 C*
CMYK: 0-84-80-0
RGB: 238-82-69
HEX:​ #ee5245

*If PMS 179 appears on the orange side in certain applications, PMS 1795 can be substituted.


Colors from the Neutral Palette should be used for informational elements such as copy, tables and digital components.  

moontower color

CMYK: 76-67-67-88*
RGB: 0-0-0
HEX:​ #000000

*A note for print applications: Moontower is a rich black and should only be used for graphics and large text (18 points or greater). Small body text should always be set in 100% black (Grackle). Learn more about rich vs. 100% black and how to configure your settings in Adobe applications to ensure accurate printing.

grackle color

CMYK: 0-0-0-100
RGB: 34-34-34
HEX:​ #222222

soco color

CMYK: 0-0-0-85
RGB: 73-73-73
HEX:​ #494949

bridge bats

Bridge Bats
CMYK: 0-0-0-50
RGB: 148-148-148
HEX:​ #949494

anchors color

CMYK: 0-0-0-25
RGB: 202-202-202
HEX:​ #cacaca

waterloo color

CMYK: 0-0-0-15
RGB: 224-224-224

limestone color

CMYK: 0-0-0-5
RGB: 245-246-244
HEX:​ #f5f6f4

white color

CMYK: 0-0-0-0
RGB: 255-255-255
HEX:​ #ffffff

Color Usage

Pairing colors is a tricky endeavor and not an exact science! Use your best judgment and limit the number of colors used to avoid a rainbow look. Please keep in mind variables could affect limitations such as text size, font, etc. If in doubt, reach out to us.

Color Ratios

Primary Palette

When in doubt, use the Modern Palette. This palette should be dominant over other colors and expresses the foundation of our brand. Of the two, St. Ed's Blue should be used more than St. Ed's Gold (gold being more of an accent).  

Use the Traditional Palette when the tone of the communication requires it. Sorin should dominate and Medallion should be used sparingly. 

color ratios primary palette

Secondary Palette

Colors in the Brights Palette add variety and vibrancy but should be used sparingly and as accents to complement colors from the primary palette (keep in mind vivid photography can also add to the vibrancy of a piece). In most cases, colors from the primary palette should take up a larger percentage of your piece with the Brights taking up 10-15%. A good rule of thumb is to use Bluebonnet more prominently than Continental, Peacock and Red Doors.  

color ratios secondary palette brights

By nature of their purpose, colors from the Neutral Palette should be used the least. One exception is using white in the Primary Palette, particularly for a two-color application, such as St. Ed's Blue and white or Sorin and white. Neither gold should ever be used alone with white.  

color ratios secondary palette neautrals

Color Pairings

Primary Palette

Brand recognition is important. Communications to prospective students and families with a lower awareness of St. Ed's should use primary colors predominately and secondary colors sparingly (most often as accent colors), and always in conjunction with primary colors as the dominant palette in the piece.

Download Color Pairings and Schemes

Primary color palette combinations in use

primary color combinations in use

Secondary Palette

Colors from the secondary palette add variety and depth to communication pieces. When awareness of St. Ed's is higher, secondary colors can be used in a broader way. The type of channel and tone of the piece (such as a social media post promoting an event to current students or a swag item for orientation) can also open the door for greater use of the secondary palette. In addition, illustrations and photography are excellent tools to add vibrancy and color to a piece. In most cases, Bluebonnet should be used most often over other secondary colors. 

Download Color Pairings and Schemes

secondary color combinations in use low awareness

Examples of secondary color combinations in use when brand awareness is low

secondary color combinations in use high awareness

Examples of secondary color combinations in use when brand awareness is high

Color Spectrum

Consider the intended audience and usage of your communication to help determine which colors work best. The traits listed on the following color spectrum grid serve as a guiding framework.


color spectrum