Video Grid

Ornate door


The Video Grid component allows you to share a selection of videos in one place. When selected, the video expands and turns into an interstitial element, blocking the site visitor from interacting with the content behind it.  This Full-Width version displays rows of 3 videos.

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Required fields

  • Title
  • Videos: Minimum of 3

Recommended character limits

  • Title: Maximum of 50 characters
  • Link Text: Maximum of 25 characters


Use Cases

Use the Video Grid component when you need to share multiple videos on the same page. This full-width version will be applied on pages that do not have a sidebar navigation menu like the Visit and Apply pages.

Video Grid

Optional Link
Example Video Title
Example Video Title
Example Video Title

Video Grid

Example Video Title
Example Video Title
Example Video Title
Example Video Title
Example Video Title
Example Video Title