Course Substitution

Ornate door

Student Disability Services oversees the process to request a course substitution for the university's general education requirements for modern language (3-6 hours) and/or quantitative reasoning (3 hours) based on disability.

The decision to grant a substitution is based on an individual's learning history, disability documentation, and academic records. 

Course Substitution Request Process

In order to establish eligibility for a course substitution, students are required to submit the following to Student Disability Services:

  1. Course Substitution Request Form
    • Including a personal statement with the following information:
      • Prior experiences with learning languages or math
      • How your disability specifically interferes with learning a language or math 
      • The names of the courses attempted and grades received attesting to your efforts and diligence in attempting to master related courses with or without accommodations
  2. Submit the following to SDS by email or fax to (512) 464-8830.
    • Record of previous history taking a modern language or math (quantitative reasoning).  Examples include but are not limited to high school transcript or non-SEU college transcript (an unofficial copy is acceptable).
    • Documentation of a learning disability (psycho-educational or neuropsychological) or other related disability (see documentation guidelines for requirements) if not already submitted to SDS. 

Upon receipt of all appropriate materials, SDS will make a decision and inform the student of the outcome. If approved, the student will need to choose from the pre-approved course(s) from the following list of options. Please note that approved substitutions will only be counted towards the degree requirement indicated in the approval; they do not double-count towards another degree requirement. SDS will notify the student's success coach, faculty advisor, the Registrar's Office, and any other academic official that needs to know in order to process the substitution. 

Modern Language Substitution (3-6 Hours) Alternate Courses

Modern Language Alternate Course List

Quantitative Reasoning (Math) (3 Hours) Alternate Courses

Quantitative Reasoning (Math) Alternate Course List

If denied, SDS will provide written notice and rationale for the decision, including the option to submit additional information and/or documentation.