IRB Application Portal

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IRB Application Portal


Complete this online form for Expedited and Full Board Review proposals.

IRB Expedited or Full Board Review Application

Complete this online form for individual Exempt proposals. If you are unsure, fill out the more extensive application above.

IRB Exempt Research Application

For faculty only, complete this online form for Exempt Classroom Projects. Contact for assistance.

IRB Exempt Classroom Research Application

For researchers with an existing, St. Edward’s-approved study who either need approval for changes/modifications or an extension of their original approval date.

IRB Modifications / Continuing Review Application

For researchers who want to conduct a study at St. Edward’s that has already been approved by another institutions IRB. This form requires one investigator affiliated with St. Edward’s University.

IRB Reciprocity Application

For researchers not affiliated with St. Edward’s who wish to recruit St. Edward’s University participants for an approved study from another institution.

St. Edward’s Recruitment Application (for Non-St. Edward’s Investigators)

Submit this form immediately if you encounter problems or increased risks in an ongoing St. Edward’s IRB-approved research study. All research activities must cease until the problem is officially resolved by the IRB.

IRB Unanticipated Problem Report