Internships with Impact

Internships are a chance to learn on-the-job skills and try on a career path to see if it’s right for you.

Your internship might also give you unexpected — but memorable — opportunities like holding a flamingo, setting up a Ferrari test drive, or holding the door for a movie star. We spoke with students at St. Edward’s about what they learned from their internship and the impact it made on their future.

The image shows a young woman standing on a dirt path in an outdoor, mountainous area. She is smiling and wearing a brown jacket with a black shirt underneath. Her hair is loose and slightly windswept. The background features a scenic view of mountains, trees, and a cloudy sky, suggesting a remote, natural location. The overall mood of the image is cheerful and adventurous.

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Olivia Rome ’20, an Environmental Science and Policy major, interned with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). Her primary job was to document air quality in the Midland area, where the oil and gas industry is booming.

“My internship helped me realize that I wanted to work for TCEQ, and now I work for the agency as a water investigator in Waco.”

The image shows a young woman with long, dark hair wearing glasses, looking over her shoulder towards the camera. She has a slight smile and is wearing a green top. The background is plain, with a soft, neutral color, which brings focus to her face and expression. The overall mood of the image is warm and friendly.

Dress for Success Austin

Silvia Colunga ’21, a Business Administration major, was the assistant volunteer coordinator intern at Dress for Success Austin, which provides career coaching and professional attire for disadvantaged women.

“I realized I want to continue working with nonprofits in the future and maybe even start one myself. Nonprofits have a great impact in the community, and I want to continue being a part of that change.”

The image shows a man dressed in a formal black suit with a white dress shirt. He is smiling and looking directly at the camera. His hair is neatly styled, and he has a confident, approachable demeanor. The background is plain white, which puts the focus entirely on him. The overall impression is professional and friendly.

Sustainable Food Center

Marketing major Anthony Carreon ’22 was the farmers’ market development intern at the Sustainable Food Center in Austin.

“My internship gave me the opportunity to design farmers’ profiles that will be showcased on the Sustainable Food Center’s website. It was a rewarding project that has led me to apply to UX programs for graduate school.”

The image shows a young man smiling at the camera. He has short, light blonde hair and is wearing a colorful, patterned shirt with a navy blue tie. The background is a plain dark gray, which highlights his cheerful expression and stylish attire. The overall mood of the image is positive and friendly.

Catalyst Education

Marketing major Alek Nybro ’21 interns at Catalyst Education, which builds software for college STEM courses. Nybro manages the company’s social media strategy and email campaigns sent to chemistry professors across the country. “Always take initiative to do the smaller, mundane tasks that others don’t want to do. Schedule regular one-on-ones with your supervisor to ask for feedback and help, or simply to check in. That’s how you build lasting professional connections.”

The image shows a young woman standing outdoors, smiling brightly at the camera. She has wavy brown hair and is wearing a pink patterned dress. She has a prominent tattoo of a flower with the word "Resilient" on her upper right arm. The background features a grassy area with a tree and a stone wall, suggesting a sunny day in a garden or park. The overall mood of the image is cheerful and vibrant.

Girls Empowerment Network

Social Work major Marissa Sanchez ’20 interned with the Girls Empowerment Network. She led groups of 3rd- through 12th-grade girls in activities to build confidence and coping skills.

“Two things I learned: the impact created by this organization, and the direct service work I was doing with the Central Texas community. I will never forget how I helped young girls find their power and use new skills to better their futures.”

The image shows a young woman with curly, dark hair, smiling at the camera. She is wearing a white t-shirt with a colorful graphic print on the front. The background features a red door with ornate details and glass panels, giving a vibrant and visually interesting setting. The overall mood of the image is friendly and welcoming.

Austin Woman Magazine

Sierra Rozen ’20, a Communication major, interned at Austin Woman Magazine.

“The most valuable thing I learned was how to develop and refine my story pitches. My internship only solidified my passion for storytelling. Every time I sat down to write, I almost had to pinch myself when I realized that what I want to do for a living is so immensely rewarding.”

The image shows a young woman with long, wavy brown hair, smiling softly at the camera. She is wearing a navy blue top with a light green trim and small stud earrings. The background features greenery and blurred outdoor elements, indicating an outdoor setting. The overall mood of the image is natural and serene.

Texas Homeless Network

Finance major Giovanna DiNapoli ’22 is the racial equity intern at the Texas Homeless Network. 

“Don’t be afraid to share your ideas. As interns, we sometimes fear sharing our thoughts due to our temporary employment status in the organization, but you are a valuable member of the team and can implement something extraordinary. Prove you are dependable through quality work, and you will find that your co-workers will support you through implementing your ideas.”

The image shows a young woman with shoulder-length dark hair, smiling brightly at the camera. She is wearing a vibrant red dress and small, delicate earrings. The background features a lush, green outdoor setting with trees and possibly a body of water in the distance, indicating a park or natural environment. The overall mood of the image is cheerful and inviting.

Austin Sobering Center

Criminal justice major Victoria Garcia ’21 interned with the Austin Sobering Center, which gives publicly intoxicated people a place to sober up instead of being taken to jail or the emergency room.

“Substance misuse is a health problem, not a criminal justice issue. Placing people in jail doesn’t solve the substance misuse problem, it just places people in the system over and over and continues to add to the list of barriers that prevent recovering addicts from becoming productive members of society.” 

The image shows a young woman with short, straight black hair, smiling softly at the camera. She is wearing a black blazer over a red top and has a delicate necklace around her neck. The background is plain white, which keeps the focus on her face. The overall impression is professional and composed.

CVS Health 

Jojo Kong ’21, an International Business and Marketing major, completed a virtual internship for CVS Health in retail operations innovation.

“I learned about the importance of collaboration and proactive networking, especially at a large Fortune 500 company like CVS. I worked with colleagues across various departments to develop my summer project and connected with inspirational senior leaders to refine my career goals.”

The image shows a young man with short, reddish-brown hair and a beard, smiling broadly at the camera. He is wearing a blue polo shirt. The background features a decorative red door with ornate detailing and glass panels, creating a vibrant and eye-catching setting. The overall mood of the image is cheerful and welcoming.

Austin Film Society

Communication major John Walker ’20 interned with the Austin Film Society and helped with the Texas Film Awards.

“The people at AFS — from interns to staff — were so friendly, helpful and welcoming. I saw so many movies at the AFS Cinema I can’t even count or remember them all. And I got to hold the door open for Matthew McConaughey during the White Boy Rick premiere. That was cool.”

The image shows a young woman smiling while holding a pink flamingo. She is wearing a green t-shirt and light gray pants. The setting appears to be a zoo or wildlife sanctuary, as there are stone pathways and lush greenery around her. Another person in a green t-shirt is seen in the background, suggesting they are both volunteers or staff. The overall mood of the image is joyful and caring.

San Antonio Zoo

Biology major and future veterinarian Ella Fotinos ’22 interned in the bird department at the San Antonio Zoo.

“Some highlights were holding 8-day-old flamingos, making enrichment toys for marabou storks, feeding 6-foot-tall cranes, and taking sick birds to the zoo veterinarian. I also held flamingos whose neck would wrap all the way around my body, and then they’d bite the back of my neck.”

The image shows a young man with short, light brown hair, smiling slightly at the camera. He is wearing a light gray t-shirt. The background is plain white, which keeps the focus on his face. The overall impression is casual and friendly.

Austin Police Department

Criminal Justice major Matt Carter ’22 interned with the Austin Police Department. He completed rotations with several units and interviewed the department heads to learn about their jobs.

“While I was in the Homicide Unit rotation, I assisted with serving a warrant on a suspect. I was able to see what a police department’s actions are while serving a warrant. Policing is a very difficult job that has a multitude of variables that affect each call that patrol officers respond to.”

The image shows a young woman with shoulder-length blonde hair, smiling at the camera. She is wearing a gray sweater. The background features a decorative red door with intricate glass panels, creating a vibrant and visually interesting setting. The overall mood of the image is friendly and approachable.

The Nature Conservancy

Mathematics major Stella Cunningham ’21 interned with The Nature Conservancy’s urban ecology project focused on Waller Creek in downtown Austin. She and her teammates collected data about air quality, vegetation and wildlife along the creek, which is the focus of a massive, multi-year restoration and parks development effort.

“My internship gave me hands-on field experience collecting environmental data and collaborating with the City of Austin and other organizations that used that data. I could see the powerful story data could tell and how it influenced decisions that affected our city’s environment. Because of this experience, I decided to pursue a career in data science and analytics after graduation.”

The image is a professional headshot of a young man wearing a dark blue suit jacket, a white dress shirt, and a dark green tie. He has short, dark hair, and is smiling at the camera. The background is a neutral gray color, which helps to highlight his face and professional attire.

Ferrari of Austin

Finance major Christoph Hoermann ’22 interned with Ferrari of Austin.

“I’ll never forget the test drive event held in the West Texas town of Midland. Setting up a test-drive event for 60 people to test the Ferrari 488 Pista was both challenging and rewarding.”

The image shows a young woman with long, straight hair, wearing a dark green turtleneck sweater and blue jeans, sitting on the floor of an office. She is smiling and holding a small, white and brown dog on her lap. The dog has fluffy fur and is looking off to the side. The office environment includes a desk with a computer, a chair, and some plants in the background, giving the scene a warm and friendly atmosphere.

Equal Justice Center

Vivian Phillips ’20, a Spanish and Global Studies major, interned with the nonprofit law firm the Equal Justice Center. She helped people apply to renew their Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, work permits.

“I’ll never forget when the DACA card of someone I worked with arrived in the mail. Getting to see someone’s DACA application be completed from start to finish made me happy for the recipient, even if I had just a small part in the process.”

The image is a professional headshot of a young woman with shoulder-length, straight blonde hair. She is smiling and wearing a light gray blazer over a dark blue blouse. She has a delicate necklace with a small pendant. The background is a blurred indoor setting, likely an office environment, with neutral tones that help emphasize her face and professional attire.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Economics and Finance major Annabel Sweeney ’20 interned with Hewlett Packard Enterprise in Houston over the summer. At the end of the internship, she was offered a part-time job for the school year.

“If something is out of your reach, say you will complete the task, even if you have zero idea how. This shows initiative and a strong work ethic that employers love. When I put myself in this situation, I researched the task or took a LinkedIn Learning to figure it out. If I couldn’t figure it out on my own, I would find other interns or people I had met through networking at St. Edward’s to help me solve the problem.”

The image is a headshot of a young woman with curly, shoulder-length dark hair. She is smiling and wearing a burgundy blouse with a crisscross lace-up design at the neckline. The background is a plain, light gray color, which helps to focus attention on her face and expression.

Keep Texas Beautiful

Jazmin Velasquez ’21, a Writing and Rhetoric major, was the communications and marketing intern at Keep Texas Beautiful, which promotes environmental initiatives like litter prevention.

“The internship confirmed my interest in pursuing a career in communications and taught me valuable skills, like writing media pitches and creating contact lists, that will help me in my profession.”