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Study Abroad Requirements

SEU Study Abroad Requirements

  • Minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA, however, some programs require a higher GPA
  • Students must be in good academic and disciplinary standing at SEU
  • First-year students cannot study abroad until the summer AFTER their first year
  • Seniors are discouraged from studying abroad unless there are extenuating circumstances
  • Students must enroll in a full semester of credit while abroad

All students will need a passport by the time they are applying to their program.  If you do not currently have a valid passport OR your passport will expire within 6 months from the end of the your study abroad, then apply for a new one right away

Step 1: Identify SEU Courses Needed

First and foremost, study abroad is an academic experience and it is therefore very important to take the time to plan out how your time abroad will fit into your SEU degree plan.

Meet with your success coach and identify courses that could possibly be fulfilled abroad (Gen Ed requirements, certain courses for your major/minor, etc). 

You and your coach do not need to know what courses are offered abroad - just a list of courses from your Degree Works that you could potentially take abroad.

Bring this list of SEU courses to your meeting with the study abroad adviser to help identify programs that may be a good academic fit for you.

Step 2: Research Programs

Deciding on the right program for you takes research and time so you should start planning as far in advance as possible.

Terra Dotta is the study abroad application system used by St. Edward's.  This is also where you will find the list of approved study abroad programs.

See an explanation of the different types of programs.

When To Do ThisHow To Do This
One year in advance is ideal. Ex: If you plan to study abroad in the fall of your junior year, research programs during the fall of your sophomore year.Browse all approved semester programs via the Terra Dotta application system

Step 3: Study Abroad Advising

Once you have a list of possible SEU courses and some programs in mind, schedule a meeting with the study abroad Office.

When To Do ThisHow To Do This
Ideally one year advanceAccess the advising appointment calendar 

Step 4: Complete a Request to Study Abroad

After you have met with the study abroad adviser and have decided on your 1st and 2nd choice programs, complete a Request to Study Abroad via the study abroad program portal (Terra Dotta). 

The Request to Study Abroad is one of the programs in the list of approved programs.

Note that this first application is to get approval from St. Edward's to study abroad and is not an actual application for the program.

Due to space limitations on each program/university, students may not get approved for their 1st choice program/university.

When To Do ThisHow To Do This

March 1st – Fall Semester

September 20th –  Spring Semester

NOTE – Students interested in the APU Dual Degree Program must meet with Dr. William Nichols and apply by March 1st of their First Year

Go back into Terra Dotta (where the list of all programs is)

Select REQUEST TO STUDY ABROAD and hit the Apply button

Once you receive approval from the study abroad office to study abroad, you need to apply to that program or university.

Step 5: Apply to the program or university

When To Do ThisHow To Do This
As soon as you receive approval from SEU to study abroad

Program Provider – Go to the company's website, locate your program and click on the Apply button

University Exchange Partner – Contact the study abroad office for instructions.




  • See each program for specific GPA requirements
  • Students must be in good academic and disciplinary standing at SEU

All students will need a passport by the time they are applying to their program.  If you do not currently have a valid passport OR your passport will expire within 6 months from the end of the your study abroad, then apply for a new one right away

Step 1: Research Programs

Familiarize yourself with the faculty-led programs being offered and attend an information session if possible.

When To Do ThisHow To Do This
The fall semester before or as soon as you see them posted on the study abroad website.

You can find the faculty-led summer programs via the Terra Dotta application system

Begin discussing your abroad plans with your success coach and academic adviser.

If you receive financial assistance to attend SEU, you should meet with your Financial Services Advisor to discuss the program cost. 

Step 2: Program cost

Limited financial aid applies to summer programs so students should not rely on getting any but should ensure they are able to afford a faculty-led program without any.

Only Pell Grants and personal loans are applicable to faculty-led summer programs.

View the additional external scholarships available.

Step 3: Meet with the Study Abroad Office

Make an appointment to meet with the Study Abroad Office and learn more about the program of choice.

Step 4: Apply to the program

After you have attended an information session, met with the faculty member, OR met with the study abroad adviser, and have decided on which program you are interested in, it’s time to apply to the program. 

Note that acceptance is on a first-come basis so it is important to get your application in early before the program fills up.

When To Do ThisHow To Do This
February 1st

Go back into Terra Dotta (where the list of all programs is)

Select your chosen program and hit the Apply button




Students must be in good academic and disciplinary standing at St. Edward's.

All students will need a passport by the time they are applying to their program.  If you do not currently have a valid passport OR your passport will expire within 6 months from the end of your study abroad, then apply for a new one right away.

Step 1: Research Programs

In addition to St. Edward's faculty-led summer programs, some of our university partners and most of the program providers offer summer programs. 

There is no approved program list for summer so students can apply to any summer program as long as they get the course(s) approved for credit by St. Ed's. 

Below are university and program SUGGESTIONS but students are not limited to this list:

When To Do ThisHow To Do This
Fall semester prior to the summer

There is not a designated approved list of summer programs.

Use the list above as a starting point and go to the respective websites to see what they offer for summer.

Begin discussing program possibilities with your Success Coach and Academic Adviser to make sure that your preferred program is a good fit for you academically.

Step 2: Assess the program cost

Generally, financial aid does NOT apply to summer programs, but students should meet with their Financial Services Adviser to review options.

Some of the programs or universities may have their own scholarships or financial aid available which can be found on their website.

View the additional external scholarships available.

Step 3: Get your course(s) approved

To receive credit for summer courses taken abroad, you must get them approved by St. Edward's.

Complete the Study Abroad Course Approval Form.

Step 4: Apply to the university or program

After you have decided on your first-choice program and have gotten your course(s) approved, you need to apply to the university or program.

To do this, go to their website and follow their application instructions.

Note that for some of the universities, you may need the SEU Study Abroad Office to nominate you. Please contact the study abroad office with questions.

Every program has its own application deadline and some may be earlier than the approval deadlines so make sure you know when it is so you do not miss it.

Step 5: Register your university or program

To help provide you with support over the summer, please let the study abroad office know where you will be studying abroad.

When To Do ThisHow To Do This
March 1st

Go into Terra Dotta. Terra Dotta is the study abroad application system used by St. Edward's. This is also where you will find the list of semester-approved study abroad programs PLUS the summer external program registration.


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